College GPA Calculator

Our handy GPA calculator provides college students not only to calculate their GPA but also to calculate their CGPA easily. College students can always use this powerful GPA calculator to see their improvement.

Let's start to calculate your GPA or CGPA.

Grading System

Previous Coursework


Courses Credits Grade Old Grade
Course 1
Course 2
Course 3
Course 4

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Step-by-Step Instructions - College GPA Calculator

There are three easy steps to calculate GPA or CGPA.

  1. First step is to choose appropriate grading system for your college (university).

  2. Second step is to fill previous coursework part.

  3. In last step you should add credits and grades of courses you take

1. Grading System

In this section, you should choose the grading system of your college. Our college GPA calculator has three different grading system. The grading systems of our college GPA/CGPA calculator are the following:

  1. AA/BA/BB grading system

  2. A+/A/A- grading system

  3. A1/A2/A3 grading system

You can find detailed explanations of these grading systems below the instructions.

2. Previous Coursework

First of all, if you do not want to calculate CGPA and if you just want to calculate your GPA, you can skip this part, which means you do not need to fill previous coursework section if you just want to calculate your GPA.

In the Previous Coursework section, you should add your CGPA and Total Credits.

CGPA: Your cumulative grade point average in the past.

Total Credits:: Sum of credits of courses you have taken in the past.

3. Grades

In this section, you should add your credits and grades. Let's examine this section with two subsections which are calculating GPA and calculating CGPA.

3. 1. Calculating GPA

It is very easy to calculate GPA: just enter credits of courses and grades of courses, then calculate your semester GPA within seconds.

3. 2. Calculating CGPA

If you want to calculate your CGPA, firstly you should fill the previous coursework section (assuming you are not in the first semester). Then if you have repeated courses, you should enter old grades and new grades of those courses.

Information - College Grading Systems

Our useful GPA-CGPA calculator has three different grading systems.

A+/A/A- grading system is used in many countries. It is generally used in US.

AA/BA/BB grading system is used in Turkey.

A1/A2/A3 grading system is used in many colleges.

Information about these grading systems are as the following:

AA/BA/BB Grading System
Letter Grade Grade Point Equivalent
AA 4.00
BA 3.50
BB 3.00
CB 2.50
CC 2.00
DC 1.50
DD 1.00
FD 0.50
FF 0.00
NA 0.00
A+/A-/A Grading System
Letter Grade Grade Point Equivalent
A+ 4.00
A 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B 3.00
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C 2.00
C- 1.70
D+ 1.30
D 1.00
F 0.00
A1/A2/A3 Grading System
Letter Grade Grade Point Equivalent
A1 4.00
A2 3.75
A3 3.50
B1 3.25
B2 3.00
B3 2.75
C1 2.50
C2 2.25
C3 2.00
D 1.75
F 0.00

Please compare these grading systems to your college's grading system, then if they match, you can use our GPA calculator.

Examples - College GPA Calculator

In this example, we will calculate CGPA (cumulative grade point average)

Suppose we choose AA/BA/BB grading system.

Let our CGPA = 2.65 and Total Credit = 62

We also suppose that we take 4 courses. Let three of them are new courses and one of them is repeated course. Suppose all courses we take are 3 credit courses.

Let grades of new courses are the following: AA, BB, CB. And let new grade of repeated course is BA and old grade of repeated course is FF.

Then we should fill the Grades table as the following:

Grade of Course 1 is AA. There is no old grade of Course 1, so omit this part.

Grade of Course 2 is BB. There is no old grade of Course 2, so omit this part.

Grade of Course 3 is CB. There is no old grade of Course 3, so omit this part.

Grade of Course 4 is BA. Old grade of Course 4 is FF.

If we fill these grades, credits, CGPA and total credit, we get GPA = 3.25, CGPA = 2.86

Frequently Asked Questions - GPA Calculator

Question: How to calculate GPA

Answer: It is easy to calculate GPA. Product grade point equivalent by credit for one course. Do it for all courses. Then sum these results. Finally divide this summation by sum of credits of courses. By using Grades section of our calculator, you can easily calculate GPA.

Question: What does old grade mean?

Answer: If you have repeated courses(the course you take again), add your grade in the past to old grade part.

Question: What does CGPA mean?

Answer: CGPA is cumulative grade point average. It is your overall GPA.

Question: What does Honor Student mean?

Answer: In some colleges, students whose GPA is between 3.00 and 3.50 get an honor degree for that semester. This students' CGPA should not be lower than some specific value.

Question: What does High Honor Student mean?

Answer: In some colleges, students whose GPA is between 3.50 and 4.00 get high honor degree for that semester. This students' CGPA should not be lower than some specific value.

Question: Which grading scale is used in this GPA calculator?

Answer: Our GPA calculator is based on 4.0 grading scale.