College students can calculate overall grade of courses they take by using this simple and practical grade calculator. Also, students can calculate average overall grade (curve) and compare it to their grade. If you like, you can enter an estimated curve value to find out your approximate letter grade under the curve-based grading system, assuming CC, C, or C2 as the curve threshold.
Note: When calculating according to the curve, it is assumed that letter grades increase or decrease in increments of 5 points similarly to the catalog system. In reality, the curve letter grade and the ranges for other letter grades may vary depending on the course, department, or instructor. For example, the instructor might set the curve threshold at DD (often seen in cases of low averages), which in turn changes the ranges for other letter grades. We use a basic approach here, so please keep this in mind.
Usage of this grade calculator is simple.
Suppose that we take a course which has two midterms, one final exam and one term project.
Let their percentages be 20, 20, 40, 20 respectively.
Let Midterm 1 = 86, Midterm 2 = 84, Final = 70, Project = 90
Then our overall grade would be 80. This grade may vary according to the university and lectures, and may correspond to different letter grades. A score that corresponds to BB in the catalog system could become AA when the curve is applied. For instance, if 60 points is considered equivalent to CC under the curve, your BB-level score might shift up to AA.