Percentage Calculator

In mathematics, a percent is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of the number 100. It is usually expressed with the % sign. For example, 10% corresponds to the decimal number 0.1, or the fraction 10/100.

Below you can find 3 different types of percentage calculations.

1) The first calculation tool is a basic percentage calculator: it is used to calculate x percent of a number. For example, what is 20% of 180?

2) The second calculation tool answers the question of what percentage of one number is another number.

3) The third calculation tool allows you to calculate the percentage of a given number.

Percentage Difference Calculator

It is used to calculate the percentage difference between two numbers.

Explanations on Percentage Calculator

This percentage calculator is very easy to use.

  • There are a total of 4 percentage calculation types.
  • In the first one you can calculate the percentage of any number.
  • The second percentage calculator answers the question of what percentage of one number is another number.
  • The third percentage calculator tool lets you calculate the percentage of a given number.
  • Finally, you can calculate the percentage difference between the two numbers.

Percentage Calculation Examples

1) When we want to calculate 3 percent of the number 173, we enter 173 in the first input and 3 in the second, and get the result 5.19.

2) What percentage of the number 23 is 66: By entering 23 in the first entry and 66 in the second, we get the result 34.85%.

3) What is the number whose 5 percent is 13: By entering 5 in the first entry and 13 in the second, we get the result 260.

4) What is the percentage difference between the number 15 and the number 25: By entering 15 in the first entry and 25 in the second, we find the answer as 50%.